Thesis of Wang Fengjuan was Elected Excellent MA Thesis

作者:来源:School of Economics and Manage 发布时间:2017-10-26




According to the document issued by the Academic Degrees Committee and Education Department of Jiangxi Province, a total of 291 high-quality master’s dissertations were selected, of which 21 belonged to ECJTU students. In this sense, ECJTU ranked fourth among universities and colleges in Jiangxi Province, only after Nanchang University, Jiangxi Normal University, and Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics. Wang Fengjuan of applied statistics, supervised by Professor Zha Weixiong, was one of the graduates.


According to ECJTU documents, authors of these dissertations and their master supervisors will be rewarded. It is hoped that ECJTU graduate students and supervisors will learn from them, enhance the quality of dissertations, continuously improve individual academic levels, and strive to improve the standards of intellectual cultivation of East China Jiaotong University.














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